Services During COVID-19

Service at Heidebreicht Chevrolet in WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP MI


Our service department is open and we have taken additional precautions to ensure your safety. Every vehicle will be returned from Service sanitized. We ask for your patience as this process takes an additional 10 minutes to complete.

If you have an appointment for service and have any questions, please contact us (586) 331-2535.

Schedule Service


We’ve taken additional steps to ensure the health and safety of our valued staff and customers; including the sanitization of the showroom and other areas of the dealership. However, if you would prefer to complete your vehicle purchase experience without coming to the showroom, our staff is eager to offer different options to ensure your comfort, health and convenience, including:

Passing Car Keys


Appointments are highly encouraged for test drives. To protect you and our sales staff, all vehicles will be sanitized prior to your test drive which takes approximately 10 minutes per vehicle. Vehicles will also be sanitized after each test drive.

We ask that you please wear a mask and follow social distancing guidelines when visiting the dealership in any capacity.

Schedule Test Drive
Customer Service on the Phone


We offer a variety of ways to engage with our helpful and professional staff. If you have questions, would like to discuss the purchase of a vehicle virtually or have any other concern, we offer a variety of ways to engage with our staff either online, over the phone or through video. Reach out to us and we can determine which method of contact works best for you!

Contact Us


The health and safety of our valued guests and staff has always been a priority here at Heidebreicht Chevrolet. As we begin to re-open the dealership for business, we will continue to monitor developments and follow recommendations from the CDC and other local, state and federal officials. Below are some of the ways we are working to keep you safe:

  • Wearing Masks! Masks are required when inside the building! Please be mindful of this when arriving and have a mask ready to wear.
  • Frequent cleaning schedules in each department, including the sanitization of door knobs, handles, phones, computers and lounge seating.
  • Hand Sanitizer is available in every department in the dealership.
  • Handshaking and any other physical contact is discouraged.
  • Customer vehicles are sanitized when returned from the Service Department.
  • We are asking employees that are experiencing symptoms, or that have been in contact with someone who is sick to stay home. We also ask the same of our customers.
  • We have restricted entrances and waiting areas in the dealership.
  • We are encouraging proper social distancing measures both in and out of the dealership.
  • Handwashing is strongly encouraged before and after customer interactions.
CDC Logo


The CDC has provided resources on what you need to know regarding COVID-19 at CDC Information on COVID-19.

Visit CDC